Sunday, September 23, 2007
Heyhey peeps! =))
I'm back wif a new post. Gosh! Weekends are here again! And holidays has started! I noe some people may find holidays are fun, but to me not okayy! It's like so boring! Can't get to meet FEEL THE BEAT. I'm like so missing them now.Haiz. Dearest FEEL THE BEAT, we'll meet up one day during the holidays okayy? Well.Let's recap about the past few days. Chey! RECAP seyy! Hahaha! The past few days have been boring. Farah and me didn't get to see our 'kiblat' on thursday and friday.Both of us miss them lar seyy.Aisyah got to see her 'kiblat' yesterday. Dah nak last day of school baru nampak! Hahaha! On thursday, Aisyah didn't come to school. She went to the doctor and was like so happy to see her DOCTOR SYED SHU'AIB! Terus segar seyy member. Hahaha! Jgn marah Aisyah, nanti kena jual. Hehehe. But she still came to meet me and Farah at the canteen after school. So Farah, Miza and me waited ferr Aisyah ferr almost 2 hours! Hahaha! Luckily there was Miza. Hilang sikit boring tu. While Farah and me were talking to her, something caught Farah's eyes! Nak tahu aper? It's Miza's PSP! Farah pantang nampak PSP tau! Once she holds that PSP, habis arh. Orang bebual dgn dier pon dier takkan dgr. I'll show euu how engrossed she was when playing that PSP. *I took this pic without Farah's knowledge. Shhh! Haha!*
She was like concentrating on that PSP! Aku hanya mampu tido sambil menunggu Aisyah. Hahaha! Miza was asleep too. Dah boring sgt kan. Tak boleh disalahkan. Hehehe. While waiting ferr Aisyah, Farah and me hoped to see our 'kiblat'. But it seemed that they were not in school that day. *Hana sighs* And now, we can't see our 'kiblat' ferr 3 weeks! Haiz. Gotta wait ferr school to reopen seyy. Hmm. Ok people, i got to go now. Feeling sleepy already. Hehehe. Take Care! =)) Much Love,
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Heloo peeps! :))
This is my first post. It's thanks to Aisyah and Miza ferr helping me out wif my blog. THANK EUU AISYAH AND MIZA! :) Weeknends sux! But later Farah is going to accompany me to work. That's so nice of her. Love euu Farah! Hehehe. I gotta say that the past few days was great. Aisyah, Farah and me spent most of our time wif Mr Rohaizan in the PE Room. Sometimes he'll talk to us about religious issues. It's good to hear about religious things during the fasting month. Menambahkan pahala lah katakan. Haha! Ariff also joined us in the PE Room few days ago. He never fails to disturb Aisyah. Then Farah and me will disturb Aisyah by saying this 'Kau dengan Arif eh sajak tau jadi couple'. And Aisyah will say this 'Mak Ai! Aku dengan dier sajak?? Eeeewww! ' Hahaha! Cute lar that Aisyah. Farah and me like to see her laugh. Mcm budak kecik lar dier punye ketawa. Hehehe. Let's talk about yesterday. Farah and me sat at the school bus stop ferr 1 hour plus! We don't know where to go as we didn't want to go home first. Inilah budak-budak zaman skg yg tak tau nak balik rumah. Haha! Then coincidentially Farah and me met Anep at the bus stop. He was about to go home too. I really remembered Anep saying this to Farah,'Balik lah! Kau tak tau nak balik eh? Merayap jer! Puasa2 nie kau balik rumah tido kan bagos! ' I was like laughing non-stop when he said that. Funny lar that guy! Hahaha! Can see that he's a friendly person lar. Farah always got bullied by him. Hehe. Arif is also a friendly guy too. But sometimes he crack LAME jokes! But it's good to have a new friend like him. Hehe. I'll stop here ferr now. Wait ferr my next update! =))
This is what Farah and me did at the bus stop! Staring at each other! Haha!
Much Love,